compile shebang into pyc file

Grant Edwards grante at
Wed Apr 27 13:17:07 EDT 2005

On 2005-04-27, Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at> wrote:

> so you're saying that the set of people that can deal with no
> more than one file at a time but knows how to install and
> configure Python (which in itself comes with a few thousand
> files) is larger than zero?

There are a lot of Linux users who already have python
installed but don't know it.  Python was always a required package for
a RedHat install.  It's not required on some distros, but it's
installed by default and you've got to go out of your way to
de-selected it when you install.

I've found that giving Linux users a single file "executable"
Python script works wonderfully, but it's really only an option
for fairly small applications -- and I don't care if they have
source code.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Look!! Karl Malden!

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