A ClientForm Question

Satchidanand Haridas sharidas at zeomega.com
Wed Apr 6 09:27:31 EDT 2005


ClientForm and Mechanize like tools do not execute javascript . You will 
normally have to do them manually in your python code itself. In your 
case, if you have a button, which (and I assume) executes some 
javascript code that sets some hidden variable and/or changes the 
'action' attribute of the form, you will have to change/assign those 
elements in your python code itself.

ClientForm and mechanize can get tedious to use when one has a lot of 
JavaScript functionality in the form.

Hope this answered your question... :-)


narke wrote:

>John J. Lee wrote,
>>See second bullet point under "Why does .click()ing on a button not
>work for me?".
>Thanks for you advice. However, after read through the FAQs, I have not
>managed to find a solution for my problem.  I belive my button is
>coupled with some Java script which mess thing up and there is no a
>easy solution.  Am I right?

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