gc.DEBUG_LEAK and gc.garbage

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Apr 19 14:00:17 EDT 2005

    Cesar> I have set the DEBUG_LEAK flag with the GC and in the program
    Cesar> cycle printed the length of the garbage list. Is this enough to
    Cesar> determine if there is a leak in the python code? (the value
    Cesar> rises).

That suggests to me that you have objects with __del__ methods that are
involved in cycles.  Get rid of the __del__ methods or figure out some way
to break the cycles.

    Cesar> Finally, in this group I have seen a reference to an article in
    Cesar> which they had the look to gc.garbage after calling explicitally
    Cesar> to gc.collect(). is this necessary?

Generally, no, but if you want to make sure the collector has run when you
want to look at gc.garbage it's convenient to call gc.collect() first.


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