Proposal: an unchanging URL for Python documentation

Skip Montanaro skip at
Mon Apr 18 23:16:30 EDT 2005

    steve> I propose that an additional a URL be set up for the Python HTML
    steve> documentation.  This URL will always contain the current version
    steve> of the documentation.  Suppose we call it "current".  Then (while
    steve> 2.4 is still the current version) the documentation for the os
    steve> module would also be available at

Time machine at work?  The above URL works for me now.

    steve> (3) This would give Pythonistas -- basically as a freebie --
    steve> annotatable documentation.  You may be familiar with Wikalong (
    steve> ).  Wikalong basically allows you to
    steve> annotate any URL.

But appears to be firefox-specific.


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