recording data between [ and ]

rbt rbt at
Thu Apr 21 09:11:32 EDT 2005

Output from 'netstat -b' on a win2003 server will show what binary is 
responsible for the connection. For example, it may list something like 
this along with other connection specific data:


How might I process the output so that anything within brackets is 
recorded to a log file of my own making? I know how to parse and record 
things to a file, I don't know how to look make '[' and ']' appear as 
special characters so that I can record what's between them.

Basically, I want a script that will read output and stop each time it 
encounters a '[' and record until it gets to ']' where upon it would 
stop recording and then proceed on repeating the above operation as it 
goes thru the remaining data.


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