Howto debug c++ (SWIG) extension under Windows

Alexander Eisenhuth newsuser at
Wed Apr 27 04:53:04 EDT 2005

Miki Tebeka schrieb:

> Hello Alexander,
>>I can't figure out howto debug my c++ extension. If i compile it as 
>>release version, I've of course no chance to set a breakpoint.
> This is not true. You *can* set breakpoints in release mode, make sure to
> add debug information to your release build so you'll be able to see the
> sources.
> There are several cases (such as inlined functions) that you *can't* set
> breakpoint to.

Don't work because of  my MSVCR71D.dll problem. It seems, that if I 
include DEBUG informations in my project, there is a reference to that 
(debug) DLL.

>>If I > compile as debug I get the Error-window:
>>... missing MSVCR71D.dll ...
> Just copy it (and msvcp71d.dll) from your c:\windows\system32 (or wherever
> your windows is installed) to the "Debug" library (or to the Python install
> library).

I don't have the dll MSVCR71D.dll on my system path. What I'm a bit
confused about is, that I can't even start python_d (installed by 
ActiveState DEBUG extension to ActivePython). It requires also the DLL.

Does anybody know, where to get that DLL ?


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