Corectly convert from %PATH%=c:\\X; "c:\\a; b" TO ['c:\\X', 'c:\\a; b']

Chirayu Krishnappa chirayuk at
Mon Apr 4 02:51:37 EDT 2005

I do agree that it is a crazy format - and am amazed that it works at
the prompt.

For the first case - you have a mismatched double quote for test2 at
the end of the string. test2 should be r'c:\A"\B;C"\D;c:\program
files\xyz' instead. For the 2nd case - my code swallowed the ';' it
split on - so I need a acc.append (';') just before the acc.append(p)
in Accumulate. The code then works. It needs to be fixed to take care
of extra double quotes and also a missing one (cmd.exe appeats to
assume one at the end if it did not find one.)

The itertools.splitby idea sounds really cool. I did not feel like
writing a state machine as the state was so simple to maintain here -
but I'd like to write a splitby so that it makes it easier to do such
crazy splitting in general.


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