__builtins__ wreidness

Laszlo Zsolt Nagy gandalf at geochemsource.com
Fri Apr 8 06:19:14 EDT 2005

>__builtins__ (plural form) is a CPython implementation detail.
>if you want to access the __builtin__ module, import it as usual:
>    import __builtin__
>    f = __builtin__.open(...)
>if you're interested in CPython implementation details, study the CPython
>source code.
Ok, I agree. I was an idiot. :-) Probably programmers should not use 
__builtins__ at all.
It is still interesting that the same magic identifier is bound to 
different things. :-)

  Laszlo Nagy		      web: http://designasign.biz
  IT Consultant		      mail: gandalf at geochemsource.com

     		Python forever!

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