Python documentation moronicities (continued)

runes rune.strand at
Wed Apr 13 06:41:31 EDT 2005

Seems like criticising the manual is som kind of heresy.  So be it.

You know, the Re documentation contains many pages. Ufortunately I
didn't dwell with the first introductory paragraph, I was trying to
solve a particular problem. I'm not that used to looking for links to
external sources in the manual either. Unable? I wasn't looking for a
Howto in the manual. And frankly, 'python regex howto" in Google is
quicker way.

Of course I cannot suggest a better place for the link.

Writing technical documents always trigger the question: Who is the
audience. I accept that I may not be the primary audience.  If I should
suggest anything, it would be that the examples section is expanded.

Generally: I have got my experiences with the Python Manual over the
the last 30 months Python beeing my preferred language. One of them is
that I have to look elsewhere.

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