How to run Python in Windows w/o popping a DOS box?

pyguy2 at pyguy2 at
Fri Apr 22 12:55:13 EDT 2005

>This change is NOT a good idea!!
I agree the .pyw shortcut method is better. However, if you are willing
to lose
stdin,stdout,stderr and really never want a console window to pop up, I
do not see how it is a disasterous change. You can still run python.exe
on your py files when you want  to test your code.

>What do you mean by "their command prompt"? The actual prompt of
>or the command line interpretation? I agree the latter sucks, but I
>change the shell if I wanted to go to the trouble.
Of course, but one cannot always change it  on boxes you have to deal
with.  Probably in an effort to not compete with themselves, there are
some basic  things a multi-hundred dollar operating system doesn't give
you. Like, oh, a simple editor that has multiple levels of undue and

>Actually, I don't really like os system info mixed in with application
>info, which is what #!

I think of it like the ''.join semantics. The object knows best how to
handle join (even if it looks wierd to some people). In the #! case,
the program knows best how to start itself.

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