filename used by shelve

Nemesis nemesis at nowhere.invalid
Mon Apr 25 04:55:01 EDT 2005

Mentre io pensavo ad una intro simpatica "Fredrik Lundh" scriveva:

>> So the real filename may be different from the argument passed to
>> "open". I have this problem, I want to delete (in some circustances) the
>> file created by, how can I know which is the name of this
>> file (or files) ?
> if you put the shelve in a subdirectory, and nuke the entire directory when
> done, you don't have to know the names.
>     dbfile = "mydatabase"
>     if not os.path.isdir(dbfile):
>         os.makedirs(dbfile)
>     db =, "data"), ...)
>     shutil.rmtree(dbfile)

Hmm, this is a good idea. Thanks.

Anyway I think that shelve should provide a method which returns the
files used by the backend database, and the argument "filename" can
confuse users, it should be named "dbname".

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