XML parsing per record

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Fri Apr 22 09:47:08 EDT 2005

Willem Ligtenberg wrote:

> As I'm trying to write the code using cElementTree.
> I stumble across one problem. Sometimes there are multiple values to
> retrieve from one record for the same element. Like this:
> <Prot-ref_name_E>ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G, member 1</Prot-ref_name_E>
> <Prot-ref_name_E>ATP-binding cassette 8</Prot-ref_name_E>
> How do you get not only the first, but the rest as well, so that I can
> store it in a list.

findall returns a list of matching elements.  if "elem" is the paretnt element,
this gives you a list of the text inside all Prot-ref_name_E child elements:

    [e.text for e in elem.findall("Prot-ref_name_E")]

(you have read the elementtree documentation, I hope?)


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