Re: THE GREATEST NEWS EVER ! °º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°`°º·...·°` (newsgroup

sheltech quasara at
Tue Apr 12 06:59:56 EDT 2005

"Soy Bomb" <whocaresrmb at> wrote in message
news:1113074212.618866.24620 at
> "The Holy Bible descibes Hell as a place of
> eternal torment, suffering, pain and agony
> for all those who have rejected Jesus Christ. "
> Sounds like the USA 2005.

and what's worse is that it smells like teen spirit .
a generation of kids growing up being taught  superstition instead of
in this day and age ? . sanctioned by otherwise presumably intelligent,
educated people holding public office ?. unfreaking believable, in this
day and age . what  *^&$*$ planet did I wake up on ?. I'm all for  us
our spiritual nature , but  everything in it's place , and  some things are
so obviously metaphorical , allegorical, or just plain storytelling , that
stupid to take them literally .  f#kin freaks  (^:#  ....

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