Problem with colors writing ImageFonts into a 'P'-mode Image

Anthra Norell anthra.norell at
Tue Apr 19 10:25:49 EDT 2005

Hi all,

   I have a problem with writing an ImageFont into a 'P' mode Image.
The letters pick up what look like randomly colored pixels along their edges.

Thanks for any suggestions



The attached picture is one of those that tell more than a thousand words.

The code that made its two components

   I = ('P', (10, 10), color = I_EVEN_REDDISH)  # okay. 
   I.putpalette (p)  # p: 3 * 256 integers                # okay
   D = ImageDraw.Draw (I)                                 # okay
   D.line ((0,0,50,50), fill = I_ODD_BLUISH)              # okay. index
   F = ImageFont.truetype (FONT_FILE, font_size)          # okay
>>>D.text (F, 'Abc', (0,0), fill = BLACK_I_256)           # Not okay? <<<

The second run was a fill color closer to the background color:

>>>D.text (F, 'Abc', (0,0), fill = I_ODD_BLUISH)          # Not okay but different! <<<

I_EVEN_REDDISH, I_ODD_BLUISH, BLACK_I_256 are palette indexes somewhere in the range 0 to 255 

The attached composite is a manual edit.

The (obvious) problem

The D.text method seems to scatter strangely colored pixels along 
the outlines or the letters. These false colors somehow depend on 
the fill color (color of the text). Namely, if the fill color approaches 
the background color, the confetti get tamer too. 

A hunch

Could it be that some aliasing mechanism interpolates palette 
indexes instead of color triplets? If I don't load my palette, the 
default palette is a linear gray scale and the letters indeed have 
aliased outlines. With a linear gray scale, of course, the indexes 
are identical with the data they index and so a wrong algorithm 
would produce a correct result.

The Configuration

Dell Insprion 8000
Windows ME
Python 2.2.2. 
Python Imaging Library 1.1.2
No evidence ever of an improper configuration.


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