Determine ip address

Lee Harr lee at
Fri Apr 15 16:46:54 EDT 2005

On 2005-04-15, codecraig <codecraig at> wrote:
> hi,
>    how can i use python to figure the ip address of the machine which
> the python script is running on?  I dont mean like i
> want the external IP address (such as ipconfig on windows displays).
> any ideas??

I use this:
ifconfig = '/sbin/ifconfig'
iface = 'eth0'
telltale = 'inet addr:'
import commands

from conf import ifconfig, iface, telltale

def my_addr():
    cmd = '%s %s' % (ifconfig, iface)
    output = commands.getoutput(cmd)

    inet = output.find(telltale)
    if inet >= 0:
        start = inet + len(telltale)
        end = output.find(' ', start)
        addr = output[start:end]
        addr = ''

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