Problem with unpack hex to decimal

Artie Gold artiegold at
Sun Apr 17 23:05:29 EDT 2005

Jonathan Brady wrote:
> <serpent17 at> wrote in message 
> news:1113763068.002612.240940 at
>>I was looking at this:
>>and tried the following
>>>>>import struct
>>I would have expected
>>what am I missing ?
> Not sure, however I also find the following confusing:
> 3
>>>>struct.calcsize('hb') == struct.calcsize('bh')
> False
> I could understand aligning to multiples of 4, but why is 'hb' different 
> from 'bh'? 
Evidently, shorts need to be aligned at an even address on your 
platform. Consider the following layout, where `b' represents the signed 
char, `h' represents the bytes occupied by the short and `X' represents 
unused bytes (due to alignment.

'bh', a signed char followed by a short would look like:

bXhh -- or four bytes, but 'hb', a short followed by a signed char would be:

hhb (as `char' and its siblings have no alignment requirements)


Artie Gold -- Austin, Texas (new post 12/5)

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