boring the reader to death (wasRe: Lambda: the Ultimate Design Flaw

Sunnan sunnan at
Wed Apr 6 07:21:54 EDT 2005

Ville Vainio wrote:
> Boring code is code that numbs your senses with constant flow of
> boilerplate crap, memory management and redundant type declarations
> and general blah blah that you skip when you are trying to figure out
> what a piece of code does.

The python code I've read so far has looked like that. Not type 
declarations, but loooong class declarations.

Also, Guido recently urged people to explicitly write recursions rather 
than to use reduce - which I thought was completely in line with what 
I've seen as python's goals: readability/understandability as more 
important than terseness/non-boringness.

 > It's a code that you wish you could train a
> monkey to write for you while you go for lunch. Think C++ or Java.

Oh, yes. C++ and Java can be super boring. C++ can also be pretty hard 
to understand - it's not all boilerplate.

I'm not saying Python is always boring (maybe I've just been in an 
easily bored mood when I've read Python stuff), and I'm not saying that 
boring is always bad.

Yesterday, I read some marketing prop describing a proprietary IDE 
(don't remember what language) as "exciting", and I went "Ugh, no 
thanks! Give me calm computing." And then I thought - wait: I just 
ranted about boringness on comp.lang.python. Can't boring and calm 
sometimes mean the same thing?

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