Semi-newbie, rolling my own __deepcopy__

ladasky at ladasky at
Wed Apr 6 07:34:25 EDT 2005

Michael Spencer wrote:
> ladasky at wrote:
> > Anyway, my present problem is that I want to make copies of
> > of my own custom classes.  I'm having a little trouble
> > the process.  Not that I think that it matters -- but in case it
> > I'll tell you that I'm running Python 2.3.4 on a Win32 machine.
> If you google for:
>   python __deepcopy__ cookbook
> you will find a couple of examples of this method in use, among them:

>  1  class deque(object):
>  2
>  3      def __init__(self, iterable=()):
>  4          if not hasattr(self, 'data'):
>  5              self.left = self.right = 0
>  6     = {}
>  7          self.extend(iterable)
> [...snip methods...]
>  8    def __deepcopy__(self, memo={}):
>  9        from copy import deepcopy
> 10        result = self.__class__()
> 11        memo[id(self)] = result
> 12        result.__init__(deepcopy(tuple(self), memo))
> 13        return result
> Michael

Hi, Michael,

I was indeed finding code like this in my web searches, though not this
particular example.  I'm glad that you cut out code that is irrelevant
to the deepcopy operation.  Still, I want to understand what is going
on here, and I don't.  I've numbered the lines in your example.

So, entering deepcopy, I encounter the first new concept (for me) on
line 10.  We obtain the class/type of self.  On line 11 we create a
dictionary item in memo, [id(self):type(self)].  So now I'm confused as
to the purpose of memo.  Why should it contain the ID of the *original*

Things get even stranger for me on line 12.  Working from the inside of
the parentheses outward, an attempt is made to convert self to a tuple.
 Shouldn't this generate a TypeError when given a complex, non-iterable
item like the deque class?  I just tried running one of my programs,
which assigns the name "x" to one of my custom objects, and when I
execute tuple(x), a TypeError is what I get.

Anyway, I like what I think I see when you finally call __init__ for
the copied object, on lines 4-6.  If __deepcopy__ calls __init__, then
the new deque object should already have a "data" attribute.  So "data"
is only initialized if it doesn't already exist.

I do not understand whether the "iterable" variable, which appears on
lines 3 and 7, is relevant to the copying operation.  Line 12 calls
__init__ with a single argument, not two, so iterable should be
declared as an empty tuple.  Again I see what I think should generate a
TypeError on line 7, when an attempt is made to extend the non-sequence
object "self" with the iterable tuple.

Is there another section of the Python docs that will clarify all this
for me?  I got hung up on all the "static", "public", etc. declarations
in Java early on.  Python has taken me an awful lot farther, but
perhaps I'm hitting the conceptual wall again.

Rainforest laid low.
"Wake up and smell the ozone,"
Says man with chainsaw.
John J. Ladasky Jr., Ph.D.

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