mini_httpd (ACME Labs) & Python 2.4.1 integration

Venkat B venkatbo at
Sun Apr 3 16:39:44 EDT 2005

Hi folks,I have a webserver based on mini_httpd
v1.19('d like to run some
python-based CGI scripts via this webserver on an RH9 system.In theory, with
the right env settings, Ishould be able to launch mini_httpd like so:
mini_httpd -c *.pyand be able to run scripts like so:
http://fqdn/simple.pyUsing info from (python) sys.path, multiple
get_config_var(..)s and sys.executable, Iwas able to build and use the env
settings (CGI_PATH, CGI_LD_LIBRARY_PATH) in the mini_httpd sources.However,
when I tried accessing the simple.pyscript as in the url above, I get an
error(errno of 8 - Exec format error) when thecode attempts to invoke the
execve() function. This same script works ok from a based
test webserver.I was wondering if you knew what the right env settings
should be to get the py script working... I tried to google around to no

Thanks a lot.

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