database in python ?

Steve Holden steve at
Wed Apr 13 11:09:01 EDT 2005

Terry Hancock wrote:
> That's interesting.  Most sources I've read seemed to suggest that postgresql
> is slower than MySQL, at least for modest size tables.  There must, I suppose,
> be some turnover point on the size of the database?  Or are you arguing that
> postgresql is now faster than MySQL in the general case?  Can you suggest
> sources for investigating that formally?
> It's just possible that I should reconsider Postgresql compatibility. I
> would assume that using the Python DB API would make portability
> between the two easier in any case, wouldn't it?
> Cheers,
> Terry
> --
> Terry Hancock ( hancock at )
> Anansi Spaceworks

I don't know about the whole picture, but I know form evidence on this 
group that there are PostgreSQL driver modules (the name "psycopg" comes 
to mind, but this may be false memory) that appear to take diabolical 
liberties with DBAPI-2.0, whereas my experience with MySQLdb has been 
that I can interchange the driver with mxODBC (for example) as a drop-in 
replacement (modulo the differing paramstyles :-().

Steve Holden        +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   
Python Web Programming

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