pre-PEP: Suite-Based Keywords - syntax proposal

Kay Schluehr kay.schluehr at
Sat Apr 16 12:07:09 EDT 2005

The idea is interesting but not unambigously realizable. Maybe one
should introduce some extra syntax for disambiguation and thereby
generalize the proposal.

as <specifier>:
   # list of definitions and assignments

Proposed specifiers are dict, tuple, *, ** and func.

-  as dict:

   conversion into a dictionary


   d = as dict:
       doc = "I'm the 'x' property."
       def fget(self):
           return self.__x

   We would get d = {"doc":"I'm the 'x' property.", "fget":fget}

-  as **:

   conversion into keyword-arguments. This comes close in spirit to the
   original proposal


   x = property():
       as **:
           doc = "I'm the 'x' property."
           def fget(self):
               return self.__x

-  as tuple:

   conversion into a tuple. Preserving order.


   t = as tuple:
           doc = "I'm the 'x' property."
           def fget(self):
               return self.__x
   >>> t[1]
   <function fget at 0x00EC4770>

-  as *:

   conversion into an argument tuple. Preserving order.


   x = property():
       as *:
           def get_x():
               return self.__x
           def set_x(value):
               self.__x = value
           del_x = None
           doc   = "I'm the 'x' property."

-  as func(*args,**kw):

   Anoymus functions. Replacement for lambda. Support for
   arbirtray statements?


   p = as func(x,y): x+y

   i,j = 3,4
   if (as func(x,y): x+y) (i,j) > 10:
      print True


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