doubt regarding main function

Laszlo Zsolt Nagy gandalf at
Thu Apr 7 07:41:17 EDT 2005

>if __name__ == '__main__':
>     test() 
>What is the advantage of this way calling a
For example, you can have a python script that has this function:

def search(keywords,engine='')

At the end of the script, you can have this:

if __name__ == '__main__':
     import sys	
     print search(sys.argv[1]) 

E.g. if you run the script as a program, then you can use it for 
searching and print the results.
But you can use it as a library, like

import searchengine # This won't execute the search method because 
(searchengine.__name__ == '__main__') evaluates to False

# Use the module here
results ='Python')

Of course this is just one possible use. For example, you can run a self 
testing function (when not used as a module).


   Laci 2.0

  Laszlo Nagy		      web:
  IT Consultant		      mail: gandalf at

     		Python forever!

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