Ron Grossi: God is not a man

Donald L McDaniel donmcdaniel2005 at
Thu Apr 28 03:04:49 EDT 2005

Matt Hayden wrote:
> Johnny Gentile wrote:
>> C'mon. Everyone knows God plays a Martin.
> I dunno.  I think God has a honkin' big collection so he won't offend
> ANY luthiers when they come to visit.  SOMEONE has to set up his
> guitars...
> mh

1) God is a Being Who lives in Eternity and Infinity.

2) God is not a man.  However, His Son, Christ Jesus, left the loftiness of 
Eternity and became a Man without losing His God-Substance  which He 
receives from His Father.  This means He is not just a man, but the God-Man.

3)He lived a pure, sinless life, and died on the Cross in our place, as the 
Sacrifice for our sins.  However, He did not remain in the Tomb HE was 
placed in after He was taken down from the cross by those who loved Him. 
Within three days, HE was raised from the dead by His Father, still the 
God-Man.  After 40 days on the earth, He was returned to the Father in His 
Body of flesh, tho now It was glorified (made eternal by the Father).  There 
He is to this very day, interceeding for those who have received Him as the 
Anointed One of God.

4) One day, hopefully, soon, He will return in Power and Glory to judge the 
thoughts of all men, and transfer His servants from their bodies of flesh to 
glorified bodies, like His.

Do not try to reason this out, since the Incarnation of Christ is not a 
thing of logic and reason, but a Holy Mystery, only comprehended by faith in 
those who have put their hope and trust in Him and His Sacrifice on the 
Cross.  Faith can easily be understood by a man with an open mind:  Let us 
say that there is a Sargent in the Army;  his commanding officer, a General, 
whose desk is a thousand miles away, and whom he has never seen, gives him a 
letter containing an order.  The Sargent's act of obedience to the order can 
be explained as "faith", since he never saw the General, and obeys him 
simply because he is his commanding officer.  While we have never seen the 
Father, we obey Him, because He sent a Man with orders from Him for His 

Not only that, but this simple faith is testified to by the Holy Spirit 
after we obey, and our steps of faith are rewarded with experiential 
knowledge of God, as we learn to recognise His Hand in our lives.  We obey 
God simply because His Son and servants tell us to.  Through time and 
experience, we have learned to trust His Words, because they come to pass, 
in His Time, and in His Way.

4) I doubt seriously whether God plays a guitar, since guitars are made by 
men, for men.  His Son could theoretically play a guitar.  Perhaps He does. 
Perhaps He doesn't.  Only the Father and His Holy Angels know.

Donald L McDaniel
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