ANN: Python 2.3.2 for PalmOS available

Peter Hansen peter at
Mon Apr 18 10:23:30 EDT 2005

beliavsky at wrote:
> What are the potential applications of Python on PalmOS? Just curious.

Python is a general purpose programming language,
as you know.  Doesn't that suggest that the
set of potential applications is pretty much all
those which don't require the raw performance of
C or perhaps some highly specialized feature
available only in another language (if such a
thing even exists)?

Calendar tools, time tracking tools, games,
various kinds of network clients (for the latest
Palms), etc.  I've just written a very specialized
time tracking tool in Plua, which could easily have
been done using Python if it had access to the
UI elements and the file system as Plua does.

Given that you already know what Python is all about,
your question sounds to me like that of someone who
doesn't even know what a Palm is good for... which
I doubt you are, so I find the question rather puzzling.


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