Order of elements in a dict

Marcio Rosa da Silva mmrsva at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 05:20:02 EDT 2005


In dictionaries, unlinke lists, it doesn't matter the order one inserts 
the contents, elements are stored using its own rules.


 >>> d = {3: 4, 1: 2}
 >>> d
{1: 2, 3: 4}

So, my question is: if I use keys() and values() it will give me the 
keys and values in the same order?

In other words, it is safe to do:

 >>> dd = dict(zip(d.values(),d.keys()))

to exchange keys and values on a dictionary? Or I can have the values 
and keys in a different order and end with something like this:

 >>> dd
{2: 3 , 4: 1}

instead of:

 >>> dd
{2: 1, 4: 3}

For this example it works as I wanted (the second output), but can I 
trust this?

Also, if someone has a better way to exchange keys and values in a dict, 
I would like to learn. :-)



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