gui developing

Grant Edwards grante at
Fri Apr 22 15:07:16 EDT 2005

On 2005-04-22, Mage <mage at> wrote:

> I am flirting with the idea of developing a gui app in python
> as a newbie. Which module should I use? I have noticed that
> wxpython is already installed on my gentoo and the examples on
> their wiki looks easy. Is it okay or should I use wax or
> something else?

If you need portability, then wxPython is hard to beat.
wxPython is a bit complex -- it took me a while to grasp the
concept of separate trees/hierarchies for widget layout and for
widget ownership.  Though there are a few situations where it
could be useful (I've never run across any of them in my apps),
the whole ID scheme seems pretty clunky. Wax unifies the two
trees so it's simpler to learn (it's more like Tk).

Sizers in wxPython feel a log like hbox/vbox layout from TeX,
so I like that.

The Gtk port of Python is pretty decent as well, but
portability to Windows and Mac isn't as good.

I've never tried Qt.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Will the third world
                                  at               war keep "Bosom Buddies"
                                 off the air?

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