Best way to parse file into db-type layout?

Michael Hoffman at mh391.invalid
Fri Apr 29 19:40:50 EDT 2005

John Machin wrote:
 > [Michael Hoffman]:
>>John Machin wrote:
>>>[Michael Hoffman]:
>>>>for row in csv.reader(fileinput.input()):
>>>csv.reader requires that if the first arg is a file that it be opened
>>>in binary mode.
>>fileinput.input() is not a file.
> Hair-splitter.

Is name-calling really necessary?

> It's an awk simulation and shouldn't be used for real-world data.

I don't see why not, so long as your data is text.

>>I have tested this code and it works fine for the provided example.
> Well I've got news for you: real-world data has embedded CRs, LFs and
> (worst of all) ^Zs often enough, and you won't find them mentioned in
> any documentation, nor find them in examples.

That's nice. Well I agree with you, if the OP is concerned about embedded
CRs, LFs and ^Zs in his data (and he is using Windows in the latter case),
then he *definitely* shouldn't use fileinput.

And otherwise, there's really no reason not to.
Michael Hoffman

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