StopIteration in the if clause of a generator expression

Steven Bethard steven.bethard at
Sun Apr 3 18:09:42 EDT 2005

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> [Peter Otten]
>>Do you see any chance that list comprehensions will be redefined as an
>>alternative spelling for list(<generator expression>)?
> Not likely.  It is possible that the latter spelling would make it possible for
> Py3.0. eliminate list comps entirely.  However, they are very popular and
> practical, so my bet is that they will live on.

I suspect you're right, but I certainly wouldn't complain if list comps 
disappeared. TOOWTDI and all, and I often find myself alternating 
between the two when I can't decide which one seems more Pythonic. 
(These days I generally write a listcomp, but I wouldn't put any money 
on my code being entirely consistent about this...)


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