database in python ?

Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud peufeu at
Tue Apr 12 17:54:22 EDT 2005

> It's not a bug if you didn't RTFM.

	I did read it in much detail !

	In fact I spent a lot of time trying to make understand how it could do a  
simple 4-table join to display also purchased products on an online store.  
The damn query took 0.5 seconds to execute no matter how I twisted it in  
and out !
	Postgres did it in 0.5 milliseconds.
	I had to split the query in two in the application !

	Speaking of the manual, the mysql manual is quite... well... i don't  
quite find the word, but it has many sentences which sound like PR stuff.  
Like, we don't do this like you or anyone would expect, but there is a  
reason ! Embrace our school of thought, stop worrying about integrity  !  
Peace, my friend, etc. And the non-working examples posted in the user  
comments are nice to look at, too. The organization of the manual is a  
mess, too, it's often quite difficult to find what I seek. The postgres  
manual is just wonderful.

	I know I'm feeding the flamewar, but I can't resist, once I came up on a  
post on the mysql website from a guy basically saying "wow, the fulltext  
is so powerful, I can search this document set in only half a second !"  
and then the same day, on the postgres mailinglist, there was a message  
 from a guy who was really upset because his full text search on something  
like 1000 times bigger would take more than one tenth a second, and that  
wan't really acceptable for him, and then several competent people  
responded and helped him make it work.

	That's also why I want to use postgres.

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