Python, Perl & PDF files

Michael Hoffman at mh391.invalid
Mon Apr 25 13:54:51 EDT 2005

Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou wrote:

> [0] there's an ancient myth about a peasant's cart getting stuck in the
> mud, so the peasant starts calling out for help from goddess Athena.
> Another peasant passing by tells him: "Syn Athena kai kheira kinei",
> which means, more or less, "keep on calling Athena, but start also using
> your hands."
> I don't know any related myth of anglo-saxon origin to quote.

A man prays to God, very hard for a winning lottery ticket. He tells God 
that he will use most of the money to do good works. Some he will use to 
make life better for his family. He keeps praying and praying. He never 
wins the lottery.

One day he is so angry, he goes to church and rants and raves to God 
about not winning the lottery. Finally God comes and says to him "You 
have to buy a ticket my son, for me to help you."
Michael Hoffman

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