goto statement

Maxim Kasimov kasimov at
Thu Apr 21 04:44:45 EDT 2005

1. comment for debug

    It can be used in the same way, as the comments for debugging are used, but it will be easier than to use """ or ''', or using features of text-editors,
    when it is necessary to comment piece of code which already contains ''' or/and """ strings already, or there is another #-comments.
    Using goto, you do not need to edit a code, which is unfamiliar to you.

2. obfuscators

    goto can be used in the same way, as many of java-obfuscators do

Speaking in other words:
   1) goto exempts from necessity to install new software (it is critical for remote working, for example, installing X11 may be impossible at all)
   2) enables to make new, better software (better obfuscators)

Best regards,
Maxim Kasimov
mailto: kasimov at

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