redundant imports

Peter Hansen peter at
Mon Apr 4 10:09:58 EDT 2005

Serge Orlov wrote:
> Mike Meyer wrote:
>>The semantic behavior of "include" in C is the same as "from module
>>import *" in python. Both cases add all the names in the included
>>namespace directly to the including namespace. This usage is
>>depreciated in Python ...
>  Did you mean discouraged? Or it's really slated for deprecation?

Deprecated basically means "the use of this is discouraged",
though because it is often followed by a comment like
"and it will be removed in a future release", people
sometimes are misled into thinking "deprecate" refers
to the pending act of removal rather than the discouragement

So, yes, its use is deprecated (though I'm not sure if that's
by any official statement, or simply by widespread convention),
but no, that doesn't mean it is going to go away any time soon.


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