Microthreads without Stackless?

Michael Sparks michaels at rd.bbc.co.uk
Tue Sep 21 07:24:49 EDT 2004

David Pokorny wrote:
> "Bryan Olson":
>> Michael Sparks:
>> > [Try Greenlets]

That's not quite what I was asking - I was asking Bryan for his opinion
on them :)  The answer was interesting and useful IMO :)

>> Finally, I think I understand the kind of stack-conjuring
>> required to make coroutines work, and it's well outside standard
>> Python's documented extension API.  I've been burned on that
>> kind of thing before.
> Before sending people off to greenlets, I'm starting to understand why 
> you have to go check them out via CVS---they are somewhat dangerous in
> their current form. 

Well, given the lack of airtime for them and the fairly fundamental
playing around they do, I'm not entirely suprised. However that's not a
reason to take a look at something, and they are pretty cool IMO.


Michael.Sparks at rd.bbc.co.uk    
British Broadcasting Corporation, Research and Development
Kingswood Warren, Surrey KT20 6NP

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