
Manlio Perillo NOmanlio_perilloSPAM at
Sat Sep 25 13:44:34 EDT 2004

On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 14:21:43 +0100, Michael Hoffman
< at> wrote:

>Manlio Perillo wrote:
>> Why the sys module does not have a function like getrecursiondepth?
>I might be ignorant, but how does this differ from sys.getrecursionlimit()?

>>> def foo(n = 0):
	print 'n = %d and recursion depth = %d' % (n,

	if n > 5: return
	foo(n + 1)

>>> foo()
n = 0 and recursion depth = 1
n = 1 and recursion depth = 2
n = 2 and recursion depth = 3
n = 3 and recursion depth = 4
n = 4 and recursion depth = 5
n = 5 and recursion depth = 6
n = 6 and recursion depth = 7

The real recursion depth starts at 2 in foo, I have redefined the

Regards   Manlio Perillo

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