Emacs is going to die! =( [was Re: Emacs + python

Cameron Laird claird at lairds.us
Thu Sep 23 10:08:05 EDT 2004

In article <1gkk9lv.184dvpkv6ff3bN%aleaxit at yahoo.com>,
Alex Martelli <aleaxit at yahoo.com> wrote:
>CarlosRivera <CarlosRivera at badnamefornospam.to> wrote:
>> What is happening with Jython now adays?  I vaguely remember something
>> about the main develope got hired by M$.
>Jim Hugunin (the guy who just got hired by Microsoft) _initiated_
>JPython but he hadn't been active on the project for awhile; he's
>currently been doing IronPython, roughly a Jython-equivalent for dotNet,
>and his work with the Common Language Runtime is no doubt part of why
>Microsoft hired him.
Meanwhile, back to the original question:  <URL: http://www.jython.org/ >.
Summary:  Jython continues without Jim, but episodically; the Web site can
go months at a time without apparent updates.  <URL:
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=5588 >, for example,
illustrates that work continues.

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