unexplained behavior of tkMessageBox.askyesno (2)

Peter Kleiweg in.aqua.scribis at nl.invalid
Tue Sep 7 18:44:57 EDT 2004

Here is a minimal example that produces the strange results:

#### begin code ####

#!/usr/bin/env python

from Tkinter import *
import tkFileDialog
import tkMessageBox

def openFile():
    r = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("some","*.ini"), ("all","*")))
    print 'openFile():', type(r), r

def askYesNo():
    r =  tkMessageBox._show('yes/no', "Do or don't?", 'question', 'yesno')
    print 'askYesNo():', type(r), r

root = Tk()
top = Menu(root)
mFile = Menu(top)
mFile.add_command(label='Open...', command=openFile)
mFile.add_command(label='YesNo',   command=askYesNo)
mFile.add_command(label='Quit',    command=root.quit)
top.add_cascade(label='File', menu=mFile, underline=0)


#### end code ####

In the code above, I unpacked the original function
tkMessageBox.askyesno(), which looks like this:

def askyesno(title=None, message=None, **options):
    "Ask a question; return true if the answer is yes"
    s = _show(title, message, QUESTION, YESNO, **options)
    return s == YES

A session on a machine that goes fine:
askYesNo(): <type 'str'> yes
askYesNo(): <type 'str'> no
openFile(): <type 'str'>            # selected 'cancel'
openFile(): <type 'str'> /home/peter/leven/L04/pyL04/Project.ini
askYesNo(): <type 'str'> yes
askYesNo(): <type 'str'> no

And here on another machine were things don't go as they should:
askYesNo(): <type 'str'> yes
askYesNo(): <type 'str'> no
openFile(): <type 'unicode'>        # selected 'cancel'
openFile(): <type 'str'> /users3/kleiweg/pyL04/Project.ini
askYesNo(): <type 'bool'> True      # causes problems, because True != 'yes'
askYesNo(): <type 'str'> no

Both are Linux machines running Python 2.3.4
The machine with problems has tcl/tk 8.4
The other machine has tcl/tk 8.3

Is this a bug I should report? Is it a bug in Python, or in tk?

Peter Kleiweg  L:NL,af,da,de,en,ia,nds,no,sv,(fr,it)  S:NL,de,en,(da,ia)
info: http://www.let.rug.nl/~kleiweg/ls.html

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