Need some help with this..

Dag Hansteen d-hanst at
Sun Sep 5 11:40:36 EDT 2004

I have a problem, This part is from a program that tweeks text, like making "My text here and click enter" into "Mÿ të×t hërë äñÐ k|ïkk ëñtër". 

This is the part of code where the error is, any answer appreciated:

    def OnInput(self, event):
        curtext = event.GetString()
        table = maketrans('abceiousxynldhABCEIOUSXYNLDH', 'äßkëïóµz×ÿñ|Ðhäßkëïóµz×ÿñ|Ðh')
        outtext = curtext.translate(table)      

error I get is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Mine dokumenter\Python\temporary\", line 91, in OnInput
    outtext = curtext.translate(table)      
TypeError: character mapping must return integer, None or unicode


best regards 
Dag Hansteen
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