$LD_LIBRARY_PATH, cx_Freeze and wxPython

Roger Binns rogerb at rogerbinns.com
Sun Sep 19 02:24:34 EDT 2004

[BTW you are far better off discussing this on the cx-Freeze mailing

> I guess I could write a shell script to find the program directory,
> set it as the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and then run the program, but that seems
> horribly hacky.

That is what you have to do with wxPython libraries (and for good and
complicated reasons).  However cx-Freeze includes a stub that does
it for you.  Look again at the wiki page you quoted:


ConsoleSetLibPathBase sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for you.  For
cx-Freeze 3, the same named initscript does it.

Roger (also the author of the cx-Freeze bit on that wiki page) 

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