python is going to die! =(

Wilk wilkSPAM at
Wed Sep 22 04:39:53 EDT 2004

Fred <fred at> writes:

> On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 07:01:00 -0400, "RPM1" <rpm1deleteme at>
> wrote:
>>I do notice though that when I try to convince a co-worker to try Python,
>>the thing that seems to be the biggest turn off is the lack of an IDE with a
>>GUI designer included standard
> I agree. Once you're used to the productivity of Delphi or VB, it's a
> big turn-off to have to go back to building GUI's by hand, and

What do you mean "by hand" ? When you must use a mouse to make a gui,
you use your hand, but when you code a gui you use your head... Finaly
if you code the gui, you can reuse it and so don't need more any hand or
head for this.

> shipping the 3MB DLL for wxWidgets is an extra reason why newbies
> might give up on another excellent tool. Too bad Guido et al. didn't
> take the GUI part into consideration earlier.

Guido took the GUI part in consideration when he decide that it's better
to let python as a langage and let people decide which library they
want, wich ide they prefer...
The mistake of java was to decide that they will do everything even the
gui (swing), since, everybody say that java is slow even if the langage
is very fast...

Don't forget that there is a lot of developers who don't need any gui,
or need a very specific gui. But every developers need python the
langage and the standard lib...

I encourage people to look at web application ;-)

> But then, maybe someone will come up with a good IDE + GUI designer as
> part of the .Net shebbang.

There are, it's just to choose...

Wilk -

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