python is going to die! =(

julio julioperezsosa at
Sun Sep 19 17:58:44 EDT 2004

  Sorry but there is no another way, c# .net and mono are going to rip
python, not because python is a bad lenguage, but because is to darn old
and it refuses to innovate things, to fix wrong things, just because
retarded backwards compatibility and because the python comunity and
developers refuses to consider tools as being almost as important as the
language itself. 

What does c# .net has that python doesnt ? (significant features) 

-- tools,tools,tools : have people that likes python ever used an ide? i
mean a good ide, the one that saves you a lot of time, and makes you

 looks like they havent, they think new people is willing to practice emacs
for 6 months before even thinking about being productive, not to mention
you have to learn 20 years old list, and low level c stuff to have fully
advantage. Those guys are realy happy with their stuff that totaly,
completly refuses to try a new tool, a new tool that 'is' better, like say,
an ide??.

 Then we have the , you just need a text editor. This is realy amazing,
tecnology improves, people have to change their way of thinking, i realy
cant count the number of text editors avaiable for python, with basicaly
just syntax highlighting.For example, idle :

 idle is just a text editor with syntax color,nothing else, then you see
that half of buttons are so fucking retarded things that you never
need,indentation stuff, replace tabs and all crap that you never realy
need, the class browser and path browser were in the right way, before they
got abandoned with just the most basic low functionality.

 No help in real programing? why? why do i need to press a retarded button
to indent-deindent reindent stuff but i dont need help with integrated help
system , code completion , source assistant , a freaking decent calltips
support, etc ? It realy makes no sense , no sense at all.

 Why do these people keep reinventing text editors again and again and again
to just add some retarded functionality that noone ever needs? pycrust ,
drpython, leo , idle , eclipse plugins(py editors with color) they all love
to reinvent the wheel instead of trying to work together on some common
project to do something usefull, boy if i want a text editor with syntax
color i just use vim,or kate or something.

For the C # Side there IS : 

 sharp develop, wich is going to be ported to linux and mac, and it is even 
better than vstudio! is open source .
 monodevelop , which is a little inestable but very very usable , and has
real features!! proyect browsing , full calltips ,code completion,source
help, doc help system , you know , productivity features.

 -- C # is almost perfetly designed, python is very well designed but it has
some crap that obscurize it and is not going to be removed because of the
damn backwards compatibility thing, C # has all the advantages there is
new ,it has learned from other languages mistakes. Python must break
backward compatibility to be at the same level of play. 
At least python has just a few problems in this area compared to java,which
is 50% crap , just to hold backwards compatibility. 

 -- C # is easy to use,fast apps coding (as python) but!! it has all the
advantages of a compiled language , like less bugs concerning silly types
mistakes , ides and tools can take much much more advantage of static
typing , it is much much much faster , and finally is much more readable
than python since i dont have to be guessing in the woods to know what type
of value a function return , or what types are the functions argument or
WTF does 'return MOM' means?

-- C # is killing python, first the gnome guys dont know what to choose for
their core system development , if mono-C # ? or java ? the only reason C #
hasnt being choosen is because of legal issues, and java? well it realy
sucks so no surprise , but is considered just because eclipse wich is the
most kick ass ide ever. AND they dont even consider python for a high level
language to choose!!

  Look at source-forge,(around) python : 3000 proyects , C # 1500 proyects
and C# is much younger than python, not to mention mono is new!! 2 times
more C # proyects are started than python proyects by month, so very soon
C# is going to completly replace python in their areas. Not to mention that
C# proyects are generaly bigger, compared to small command line tools,
python proyects.

 I think is a fact, reality , there is just no way python is going to
survive, i would be happy if someone knows or see something i dont ,
because i realy like python, but : C # which has all the m$ licenses and
crap involved is so superior to python in so many ways, its not even
funny,and C# has serius tools, ides ,etc. Look at
nhibernate,nunit,njasper,the super sharp-develop ,monodevelop,etc. BTW
wingware has a very nice ide, but close sourced and at a price of 200$ for
os is ridiculous,and their personal edition is pure crap, no
code-assistant ? lol. Is there a posibility python survives 2 years more at

Btw , nice quotes on python site : "Python has been an important part of
Google since the beginning, and remains so as the system grows and evolves.
Today dozens of Google engineers use Python, and we're looking for more
people with skills in this language." said Peter Norvig, director of search
quality at Google, Inc.

But the google code jam, the one google searchs for new hackers to join
their lines is only for c# , java , c++ , nice irony , lie,lie.

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