New to Python

w webbsoft2 at
Tue Sep 21 15:58:07 EDT 2004

excuse my ignorance.  I cannot get this simple program to calculate
the formula.

The error message is unsupported operand type(s) str.  I know the data
that I'm reading from the file is a string but I cannot convert it to
a float or int.

The code a sample form the data file are below.

# Calculate Gross Profit from SIL File

import os.path

in_file = open( "", "r")

while 1:
     data = in_file.readline()
     if not data:

     if data[0:1] == "(":

	nCost = data[ 99:106]
	nPack = data[ 44:48]

	nRetail = data[ 79:87]
	nQuan = data[ 87:90]
	nAllowance = data[ 147:154]

	nGp = ( ( nRetail / nQuan ) - ( ( nCost - nAllowance) / nPack ) ) / (
nRetail / nQuan )

	print nCost, nPack, nQuan, nRetail, nAllowance

(00007756725434,'*BREYER STRWBRY ICE ',0007,0006,' 56 OZ   ','000216  
(00007756725433,'*BREYER PEACH ICE CR',0007,0006,' 56 OZ   ','000224  

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