up with PyGUI!

OKB (not okblacke) brenNOSPAMbarn at NObrenSPAMbarn.net
Sat Sep 25 15:47:59 EDT 2004

Ed Leafe wrote:

> There is also nothing to prevent you from writing that button as a 
> class definition (although I have a personal dislike of a 'class'
> being used for an instance). Something like:
> class MainForm(dabo.ui.dForm):
>       def __init__(self, parent=None):
>            class btn1(ButtonDescription):
>                 Size = (40, 40)
>                 Caption = "b1"     
>            self.addObject(btn1, "b1")
>      To my eye, that's a lot uglier than writing it as it is:
>      instance 
> coding. Dressing it up as a class in order to save typing 'self'
> isn't justified, IMO.

    	Well, I see what you mean, but conversely, even in the example you 
gave above, it seems to me that the "def __init__" is (or should be) 
superfluous.  The very fact that you are defining a button inside a 
panel clearly indicates that you want the button to be added to the 
panel.  Restating this information repeatedly with an __init__ and self 
references and explicit "add" methods is cumbersome.

    	Admittedly, the need to use the word "class" is unfortunate, but I 
prefer to simply ignore that little keyword in the definition.  That is, 
what about this:

    	    	    	caption = "One"
    	    	    	caption = "Two"

    	I think the indentation here clearly indicates the intended nesting 
structure of the GUI layout.  Python requires me to use the word "class" 
before each component to get a valid syntactical construct, but I find 
it much easier to put single keyword ahead of each GUI object definition 
than to wade through a series of method definitions to extract 
information about how the components are structured inside one another.

--OKB (not okblacke)
Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is
no path, and leave a trail."
	--author unknown

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