python is going to die! =(

Dave Cook davecook at
Mon Sep 20 21:59:26 EDT 2004

In article <mailman.3520.1095631846.5135.python-list at>, julio wrote:

>   Sorry but there is no another way, c# .net and mono are going to rip
> python, not because python is a bad lenguage, but because is to darn old

I don't really get the connection between the two.  C# is a very different
type of language, with a different market.

And I still don't understand the "why" of mono.

> What does c# .net has that python doesnt ? (significant features) 
> -- tools,tools,tools : 

Because it needs lots of tools to be useable.  A lot of those tools simply
don't apply to Python.

> have people that likes python ever used an ide?

What exactly will one do for me?  Concrete examples appreciated.

Dave Cook

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