import pyd from zip file

David Bolen db3l at
Thu Sep 2 10:03:56 EDT 2004

johnfkeeling at (John Keeling) writes:

> Am I doing something wrong? Is zipimport not designed for pyds? ... or
> is it an ommission in the functionality of zipimport? I looked at the
> bugs database, and didn't see a mention of this.

No, I don't expect zipimport is designed to handle pyds.

pyds are really system binary shared libraries, and as such, while
Python may augment the search path to locate them, they are actually
loaded by the operating system, so they must be available (e.g. in the
filesystem) for access by the operating system directly.

The only way for it to work would be if zipimport, upon finding a pyd
in a zip file, were to extract it to a temporary directory and then
load it from that directory through the OS.  That would sort of defeat
the purpose of having it in a zip in the first place as opposed to
just including the file along with the zip.

-- David

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