An attempt to use a python-based mini declarative language fo r form definition

Batista, Facundo FBatista at
Wed Sep 22 13:54:46 EDT 2004

[Carlos Ribeiro]

#- -- This is a simple code snippet of the intended form declaration:
#- class UserForm(Form):
#-     nickname = TextBox(length=15, default="")
#-     password = TextBox(length=10, default="", password=True)
#-     name     = TextBox(length=40, default="")

I'm not proposing a solution here, just a thought.

What happens if I don't wan't my form to be like:

  nickname [               ]
  password [          ]
  name     [                                        ]

but, for example:

  nickname [               ]    password [          ]
  name     [                                        ]

There should be some way to pass the "location". If you solve this, you got
your answer (of course, passing the "location" is not trivial, that's why
every GUI toolkit has it own approach).


.	Facundo
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