Xah Lee's Unixism

jmfbahciv at aol.com jmfbahciv at aol.com
Tue Sep 14 06:21:04 EDT 2004

In article <vqgbk05ikqc0f95pnuk0i116e9vatrrdnj at 4ax.com>,
   Alan Balmer <albalmer at att.net> wrote:
>On Sat, 11 Sep 04 14:24:09 GMT, jmfbahciv at aol.com wrote:
>> Now Congress is shifting towards giving them
>>more leeway.  I sure as hell hope they remember Hoover and his
>>abuses of power before they suggest putting one guy over it all.
>The suggestion has already been made, and President Bush is apparently
>going along with it, but refusing to give the position the unlimited
>power its proponents want. This gives the disloyal opposition grounds
>to claim he's not really serious about terrorism.

Reporting this has been terrible in this corner of the map.  I also
had understood that somebody was insisting that the position be
outside the cabinet.  I don't like this because it will ensure
a long-term head who will gradually get corrupt as Hooever did.
I also understand that making this a cabinet position will
"politicize" it but there isn't as much chance for having 100%

I also need a lesson on policizing.  Can't have a head of the
CIA be an ex-Congresscritter because that would politicize the
department.  But the CIA has been hogtied with politicizations
since Nixon.


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