Metaclass with name overloading.

Carlos Ribeiro carribeiro at
Mon Sep 27 08:59:23 EDT 2004

On 27 Sep 2004 13:33:33 +0200, Jacek Generowicz
<jacek.generowicz at> wrote:
> <snip>
> I would then like the dictionary received by OverloadingClass.__new__
> to look something like this:
> {'att': (1,3),
>  'meth: (<function meth at 0x4018e56c>, <function meth at 0x4018e80c>) }
> IOW, each name bound in the class definition should have associated
> with it, a tuple containing all the objects which were bound to that
> name, rather merely keeping the most recent binding for any given
> name.
> I was wondering whether it would be possible to achieve this by
> forcing Python to use some dicitonary proxy (which accumulates values,
> rather that keeping just the last value to be associated with a key),
> instead of dict, when executing the class definiton?
> Is something like this at all possible in pure Python? or does in
> require fiddling around in the guts of the parser?

No, you can't, and it's not just a parser issue. Python uses direct C
calls to the native dict type. It's hard coded, and I don't see any
obvious or easy way to override it except by rewriting all such code.
The metaclass receives the dictionary after all declarations were
collected, and then it's too late to act upon it.

Now that we're talking about it, I would like to discuss how this type
of hack could possibly be done in a future version of Python (probaly
Python 3.0, I don't think it's anywhere close to possible for Python

1) One such idea is to provide the metaclass with a __dict__ factory.
For example:

class MyMetaclass(type):
    def __new__(...):
    def __dict__(cls):
        return CustomDict()

... where CustomDict is a user-defined mapping type that can store
more information about the entries than the native dict:

-- CustomDict[name] would retrieve a tuple containing all entries, in
reverse order. CustomDict[name][0] would retrieve the last definition.

-- The order of the definitions would be preserved, and the iterators
(iterkeys, iteritems, itervalues) would all iterate over the entries
in the order of the definition.

By using a user-defined dict, we would still use the default dict most
of the time without any noticeable performance hit, but would be able
to change the guts of the class declaration system whenever needed.

2) Another (crazy) idea is to have the possibility to declare
anonymous class members, such as in:

class MyClass:
    """the first anonymous member is the doc string""" 
    """the second anonymous member is __anon__[0]"""
    1.5 # __anon__[1] = 1.5

By anonymous members, I mean anything that is not a def, a nested
class, or a value that wasn't assigned or bound to name. That's would
be nice to have too :-)

p.s. In the particular case of the original poster, I'm wondering what
kind of application did he had in mind. I had similar needs while
studying some alternatives to declare some types of data structure in
Python -- forms, reports, webpages, etc -- stuff where the order of
the entries is potentially as important than the actual member names.
I'm really curious about it...

Carlos Ribeiro
Consultoria em Projetos
mail: carribeiro at
mail: carribeiro at

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