python is going to die! =(

RPM1 rpm1deleteme at
Tue Sep 21 07:01:00 EDT 2004

"Tom Cocagne" <rakis at> ...

> There ARE sound IDEs
> available for Python. Perhaps you should be asking why they aren't that
> popular. Three possibilities come to mind 1) Python developers are just
> plain stupid. Even though they know that quality IDEs exist and would
> increase their produtivity, there just too dumb to use them. 2) Quality
> IDEs exist and Python developers don't know about it. And 3) Python
> developers are aware of the existence and capabilities of these IDEs and
> just don't feel the need for them.

I've been tinkering  with Python for a long time now, (~8 years),  and the
lack of a standard GUI designer is annoying, (albeit a minor annoyance).  I
myself don't care for any of the existing GUI designer packages, so I just
code my GUI's without one.

I do notice though that when I try to convince a co-worker to try Python,
the thing that seems to be the biggest turn off is the lack of an IDE with a
GUI designer included standard.  I guess my point is that the lack of a
standard GUI designer is not going to bother people who know Python, but it
will prevent some, (perhaps many), outsiders from ever knowing Python
because they can't imagine programming without the IDE/GUI designer.  I know
there are GUI designers available, but by the time you begin to tell
somebody that, they're already shaking their head and walking away.

Just my $0.02,

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