XML documentation stinks - help?

Simon John simoninusa2001 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Sep 1 14:23:08 EDT 2004

Ah, I've got it now, I've basically managed to duplicate the way the
event-based XML::Parser Perl module works - you don't need to know the
tags and it builds a hash/dictionary (excuse Google removing the

from xml.sax import ContentHandler, parseString

xmlsource = """<session_service>

# create dictionary for results
global xml_data
xml_data = {}

class docHandler(ContentHandler):
"""overload contenthandler"""
def startElement(self, tag, attrs):
# start handler
self.tag = tag

def characters(self, chars):
# char handler - ignore whitespace
if chars.strip() != "":
xml_data[self.tag] = chars

# create instance of handler class
handler = docHandler()

# parse the xml
parseString(xmlsource, handler)

# loop through dictionary outputting results
for name, value in xml_data.iteritems():
    print name, ":", value

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