Math errors in python

Grant Edwards grante at
Mon Sep 20 10:34:03 EDT 2004

On 2004-09-20, david h <daveh at> wrote:

> the problem with BCD or other 'decimal' computations is that it either
> doesn't have the dynamic range of binary floating point (~ +-10**310)

Huh?  Why would BCD floating point have any less range than
binary floating point?  Due to the space inefficiencies of BCD,
it would take a few more bits to cover the same range, but I
don't see your point.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Hey, LOOK!! A pair of
                                  at               SIZE 9 CAPRI PANTS!! They
                                 probably belong to SAMMY
                                                   DAVIS, JR.!!

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